The management of a printing plant is those who reap the most benefits
out of the existance of FLOWSYS. That's why we dedicated a special
training for them, which provides a very fast overview what they
can expect to get out of the system.
The training starts with an overview, as any other course, but
doesn't get in any technical details. And from there it goes straight
into the most consolidated data form: the programs dwh_tracker and
dwh_pms. You learn to use both programs almost in a minute and they
give you the best overview.
The second part of this management consolidation goes a one step
deeper into the data tree of your printing plant. It shows you how
you can get statistics quick and easy by yourselve, or how you know
where your presses have the most troubles with. You get it out,
almost with one mouseclick.
The last part of the training gets then really to the point: A
discussion with the producers of FLOWSYS and all the background
knownledgment they have and a question / answer conversation.