In over 150 years SIEMENS has become one of the worlds leading
companies in electrical engineering. More than 460,000 employees
in over 190 countries are working today in a series of business
segments, ranging from Transportation, Communications and Medical
to Power and Automation. Out of that number of employees more
than 55,000 are working in research and development. So it is
not surprising that Siemens has developed its own Unix operating
system called SORIX. A real-time capable Unix tuned to run on
Siemens industrial SICOMP computers, the perfect solution for
process automation.
But what has this to do with RTA?
In 1995 SIEMENS decided to bundle the product RTA-PLS and its
SICOMP/SORIX product line to a product for process control and
management called PDM - Process Data Manager. In the same year
SIEMENS presented this new product at the "Echtzeit", a fair for
real-time products, in Karlsruhe Germany.
But what exactly is RTA-PLS and what makes it so unique.
RTA-PLS - the real-time Process Control System based on international
and industrial standards